Japanese Breakfast 1

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In japan people take breakfast seriously. The family gets together to eat breakfast. Morning is an important time of the day so eat good food with the whole family. This is a Japanese mentality. How great is that!


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Fish, rice, miso soup, vegetables and sides. This is a typical Japanese breakfast. Love this!


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In Japan, We say ITADAKIMASU before we eat. It is to give thanks to the earth, food, the person who made the meal..Basically, thank you for everything!


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We went to eat Breakfast at PANYA and we had a great time and great meal. PANYA means bakery store in Japanese. They are a tiny Japanese bakery on E 9th street in the East village. E 9th street is pretty well known as little Japan in NYC. I wrote about E 9th street in a previous blog. Please read it here if you are interested. There are a few other Japanese restaurants in New York City that offers great Japanese style breakfast like this.

We are planning to visit other restaurants that serve Japanese breakfast. Do you love Japanese food? Stay tuned!

今回私達が、朝ご飯を食べに行ったんは、East Village E9th streetにある、PANYAっていうお店。パン屋の名前の通り、パン屋さんなんやけど、こんな朝ご飯も食べれるんよ。E9th streetは、ちょっと有名なジャパンストリート。以前に、9th srteet の事を書いた記事があるんで、良かったらhereから読んでね。ニューヨーク内には、他にもいくつかの朝ご飯を出すレストランがあるんよ。観光や、出張で日本人の方達が訪れる事も多いんと、やはり朝ご飯を大切にする文化やから、日本の朝ご飯を食べたい!って要望も多いやろうな。そんな日本の朝ご飯が食べれるレストランを訪れて、どんな朝ご飯やったかを、このブログでレポートしようって思ってるから、楽しみにしててな。


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Rock Mama