Super Easy Avocado And Coconut Oil Breakfast

ROCK MAMA NYC LIFESTYLE BLOG - super easy avocado and coconut oil breakfast

Hi everyone! Do you eat breakfast? I believe that eating a good breakfast is really important to help start the day with a positive mind. But, you don't have time to make breakfast right? I introduced a really easy and healthy smoothie on a previous blog post. if you haven't read  it yet, please read it here.

Today, I would like to introduce a typical breakfast using avocado and coconut oil. Do you think avocado is a vegetable or fruit? I thought avocado is a vegetable, but actually, avocado is a fruit. Botanically a large berry that contains a large seed. Many people already know that avocado is a very healthy food. Also, coconut oil is getting poplar and known as a healthy food those days. I eat those two super healthy foods almost everyday for breakfast. My breakfast is really quick to make and simple.

Super easy Avocado & Coconuts oil Breakfast

1. Toast a bread

2. Use a coconuts oil instead of a butter

3. Spread smash avocado on the toast

4. Salt and pepper

5. 1 table spoon coconuts oil in coffee

A positive mind is really important in my life. I believe that to eat super healthy breakfast helps make me positive in mind all day long. This is super quick and easy to make and is a healthy breakfast. Please try to make it!  You can also use coconut oil for beauty too! if you are interested, Please read my previous blog about coconuts oil for hair.


みなさーん こんにちわ!ちゃんと朝ご飯食べていますか?私は朝ごはんって一日をポジティブ精神で過ごす為にも一番大切な食事だと信じています。でも、健康的な朝ご飯を作っている時間がない?健康的な朝ご飯ってどんなの?って思ってる?以前、私のブログにて、ヘルシースムージーを紹介したので、まだ読んでない方はココから読んでみてね。さて、今日は、私のいつもの簡単朝ご飯の紹介。それは、アボガドとココナッツオイルを使うの。みんなアボガドって野菜かフルーツかどっちだと思う?私は野菜だと思ってたんだけど、実はアボガドはフルーツなんだって。みんなアボガドが栄養価に優れた食べ物だって知ってる人も多いと思うけど、ココナッツオイルも最近注目されている栄養価の高い食品。その二つを毎朝朝ご飯に食べるとすごく良い効果が得られるんじゃないかと信じてます。


1. パンをトーストする

2. ココナッツオイルをバターの変わりに使いパンに塗る

3. アボガドを潰してパンに塗る

4. 塩こしょうで味を整える

5. コーヒーを作ってコーヒーにもスプーン1杯のココナッツオイルを入れる



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Rock Mama