Rock Mama's picks for NYC Attractions Week

Have you heard of NYC attractions week? It is a 2-for-1 deal that allows you to purchase two-person admission for the price of one ticket. It is taking over the city right now until February 5th. Please check Rock Mama's  top 3 picks for Attractions week below :) get the 2-for-1 tickets with offer code AWW17

NYC attractions week って聞いた事ありますか?これは、今現在から2月5日までチケットを2枚購入すると、一人分が無料になるというとてもお得なキャンペーンです。1月はニューヨークへの観光客が少ない為に、レストランウィークや、こんなお得な催しがたくさんあります。このNYC attractions week もたくさんのニューヨークの有名な場所が参加しています。その中で私、Rock Mamaオススメのベスト3を選んでみました。チェックしてね。ちなみにこれは、チケット購入時にコードを入力しないと割引になりません。コードは AWW17 です。

1. One world observatory  $34 and Up/ Person 

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Rock Mama's picks NYC Attractions week  2

I went there when my family was in NYC from Japan. Since then, my son is asking me to take him there again. I could take him again with 2-for-1 deal:) The view of NYC was fantastic from there.

なんといっても One world observatory からの眺めは最高!マンハッタン、ブルックリン、ニュージャージーが一望できます。ここへは、一度日本の家族が来た時に行ったのですが、6歳の息子にはものすごい経験だったようで、また行きたい!とよくせがまれています。列に並ばなくてもすぐに入れるプレミアムチケットは$56。長い列でも待てる人は$34のチケットです。1月は観光客が少ないから、そんなに待たなくても入場できるかもね。

"There are a million things to experience in New York City and only one way to truly see them all. Start by ascending to the top of the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere in less than 60 seconds; look toward the horizon and feel the City’s invincible spirit. Explore three levels filled with innovation and inspiration at One World Observatory, located in the top three floors of One World Trade Center. "
Quotes taken from ...

2.  The Ride  $55 and Up/ Person 

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I found The Ride from Toshihiko Nakazawa who is a Japanese dancer for The Ride. The Ride is a tour bus in NYC. It's not the typical tour bus though, The Ride is a one of a kind entertainment experience that turns the streets of New York Into a stage.  I interviewed Toshihiko before. If you are interested to know more about in The ride and Toshihiko please read 

ニューヨークでが観光バスが色々とありますが、このThe Rideは異色!ニューヨーク観光案内の合間に各地にパフォーマーがこのバスが来るのを待ち構えていて、バスが来るとバスの人たちに向かってパフォーマンスを始めるのです。私はこのThe Rideのことを、ニューヨークで活躍するダンサーで、このThe Rideにも出演している中澤利彦さんを通じて知りました。彼には一度密着取材をRock Mama NYCのブログでさせていただいたので、読んでみてくださいね。

"The Ride is the hit interactive entertainment experience that has taken New York City by storm…the streets of New York are transformed into a stage, and passengers have front row seats. Famous City landmarks are a backdrop to a live show with unparalleled technology, fun facts and amazing street performances. The Ride is an unforgettable New York City experience that launches from Times Square. The box office is located inside The Gift Shop, 584 Eighth Avenue (between 38th and 39th streets, across from the Holiday Inn)." Quotes taken from ...

3. Bateaux Dinner cruise  $139 and Up/ Person

Live music, dinner and beautiful view of NYC on a cruiser? Yes! I would love to experience that! Honestly, I don't expect much for the dinner, but I want to experience this dinner cruise. 

ライブミュージック、ディナー そしてニューヨークの素晴らしい景色がクルーザーで楽しめるスペシャルな時間。ディナーはクルーザーだからそんなに期待してはいないけど、是非この2-for-1 dealの期間中に試してみたいな。

"Step aboard the all-glass, European-inspired Bateaux New York for an elegant dining experience unlike any land-based venue. Departing from Chelsea Piers in NY, you’ll enjoy a scenic cruise along the Hudson River, and delight in NYC’s iconic skyline with unobstructed views of the Empire State Building, Brooklyn Bridge, the Statue of Liberty and more. Bateaux’s live music ensemble brings refined sophistication to our onboard entertainment, ideal for romantic dates and special occasions. From birthday celebrations to client-entertaining to an out-of-the-box proposal, groups small and large will enjoy an upscale and stylish evening aboard Bateaux New York." Quotes taken from ...


Thank you for visiting ROCK MAMA NYC ❤️ XOXO


Rock Mama