A Great Gift For A New Mom - Weleda Birch Cellulite Oil

ROCK MAMA NYC LIFESTYLE BLOG -Great Gift For A New Mom - Weleda Birch Cellulite Oil

I'm a mother of a 5 year old boy. After I gave birth, many people gave us gifts for my son. Some people gave gifts for me and the baby. It was a really nice feeling to receive the well wishes and gifts. A friend gave me Birch cellulite oil from Weleda. I felt fat right after I had a baby and using this oil helped refine my body shape and I felt good.  Since then, I started to give this Birch cellulite oil to my friends who became new moms as a gift. This is information about the product from Weleda's web site. "It is a dermatologically proven body oil treatment that nourishes skin with natural and organic plant extracts that smooth, tone and support the skin's overall health. The potent extract of birch leaves, known for their detoxifying and purifying effect, promote radiant skin with increased smoothness. Skin-friendly apricot kernel oil and jojoba seed oil nourish skin and provide balanced moisture, while wheat-germ oil, rich in vitamin E, refines skin texture. Rosemary leaf extract stimulates circulation and vital metabolic processes" Many new moms are happy after the birth of their baby, but also experience stress and anxiety. I believe that the aroma of this oil will help to relax. 

私は5歳の息子の母親です。子供が生まれた時にたくさんの方々から息子へのお祝いの品々をいただいたのですが、その中で私にもプレゼントを下さる方もいらっしゃいました。その時にいただいた、WeledaのBirch cellulite oil が、出産後のお腹を引き締める作用もあり、肌もなめらかにしてくれてとても良かったので、今ではこのオイルを出産を終えた友人に送る様にしています。Weledaのウェブサイトを見ると、『ヒップや太もも・二の腕まわりの肌のざらつきをケアするために開発されたボディマッサージ用オイル。肌を滑らかに整えるアンズ核油などの植物オイルをベースに、肌の引き締めやハリを保つために効果的なシラカバ葉エキスやブッチャーブルーム根エキスをブレンド。ボディの気になる部分にアプローチし、マッサージするごとになめらかでハリのある肌へと導いてくれる。』そうです。出産を終えたばかりの女性って幸せなんだけど、情緒不安定にもなりがち。だから、こんな良い香りのボディーオイルで自分自身を癒してあげることも大切。プレゼントに自分用におすすめです。


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Rock Mama