Protect Your Hair Before You Go To The Beach ビーチに行く前の髪のお手入れ方法

Summer is here, yay! Do you like to go to the beach? Do you protect your hair before you go to the beach? I'm a hair stylist and I have seen a lot of super dry and damaged hair during and after the summer season. Many of my clients tell me that they go to the beach a lot. Do you go to the beach with nothing on your hair and jump in to salt water? The strong sun and salt water dries out your hair. The combination makes your hair tangled. Do you go home with dry and tangled hair and try to comb it out? Please do not do this. Your hair will break easily, especially if you have long and fine hair or bleach blond hair. Today, I would like to share with you a really SIMPLE, EASY AND QUICK way to protect your hair from the dry and tangled beach hair nightmare.


1. Before you leave from home use a water bottle and saturate your hair with water.

1. ビーチに行く前に霧吹きを使用して髪をしめらせる。

2. Comb Your hair.

2. 髪をブラシでとかして、湿りを均一にさせる。

3. Slather Coconut oil into your hair.

3. ココナッツオイルを髪に塗布する。

4. Comb your hair to saturate the Coconuts oil in to your hair.

4. ココナッツオイルを均一に髪にのばす為にもう一度髪をブラシまたはくしでとかす。

5. Braid, ponytail, make bun or just comb out.

5. 髪を三つ編みや、お団子にまとめる。

That's it! Super easy right? It will take only 5-10 minutes. But this 10 minutes will change your hair a lot in the future. Do you want to know why? Coconut oil will provide UV protection, protect your hair from salt water and you are getting something like a hot oil treatment on your hair as well. You will notice the difference when you take a shower after you come back from the beach. It will be so easy to wash your hair. No tangled hair, and your hair is soft because you were getting a hot oil treatment all day long. Please try it this summer. I got this coconut oil at Amazon.



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Rock Mama