My Experience in Choosing a Pre-K in NYC for My Child

Rock Mama NYC lifestyle blog-My Experience in Choosing a Pre-K For My Child in NYC

The new school year has just started. If you have a child and are thinking to apply to a public Pre-K, Kindergarten or Elementary school in New York City,  it is time to look for a school. I love raising my son in New York City and we are so happy to have found a great school for him. My son is currently in first grade at a public school in New York City. To find a good public school, and to be able to attend your favorite public school is not so easy in New York City. When we were looking for a pre-k for my son, we looked at private, co-op, and public schools. Many private pre-k are very expensive in New York City. Some schools cost over $40.000. (full day for 4 years old) No way we can afford a private school in the City. We went to open houses for co-op pre-k as well as interviews. The interviews seemed like it was more for the parents by the parents who are already in the co-op. We needed to appeal to the co-op and show what we can bring to the school community. Parents already in the school are running the school and they choose students for the next year. They are looking for parents with similar kind of philosophy for child education and who can be involved in the school. The interview was an interesting yet uncomfortable experience for me. 

Public pre-k in NYC is done by lottery. We can't really do much to get into our favorite school. Just apply and hope for the best. You can apply up to 12 different pre-k in your district. I know more than one person that applied for 12 schools but couldn't get into any school. I know some who got into her 10th school of choice. We were super lucky that we got into our favorite school. Before we applied, I went to many school tours. I think to visit many schools is important to see and know more about each school. The interesting and great thing about New York public schools is that each school has their own style, philosophy, and unique teachers. The school tour season has just started. If you are looking for a school in New York City, I recommend you to visit as many schools that interest you. I hear people saying the public schools in New York City are not good, but there are many good and interesting schools. Good public schools in New York City are very unique, you just have to find them and get a little lucky. 


マンハッタン内にあるPre-Kはどこもいっぱいな上に子供の数と学校の数が足りてないんです。そしてPre-Kに入れるか入れないかは、抽選で決まるのです。(兄弟がその希望する学校にいる場合は優先して入学させてくれる学校もあります)第12希望まで提出して、一つも入れるところがなかった人も知ってるし、第10希望の学校から入学許可が来た人も知っています。うちの息子は本当にラッキーな事に第一希望の学校に入れました。どれくらいラッキーかというと、希望者が500人くらいいて、その学校は兄弟がいると優先して学校に入れるので、兄弟がいる人たちがとても多い学年だったので、入学枠が5人くらいしかない中で抽選で入学できることになったのです。もし、これを読んで下さっている中にニューヨークにお住まいで公立のPre-K,K を考えていらっしゃる方にはスクールツアーに行かれる事をオススメします。知り合いから、どこそこの学校がいいよって聞いても、そのご家庭をあなたのご家庭の考え方や価値観は違うもの。その人が言ういい学校とあなたが思ういい学校は違うかもしれません。ですので、自分の目で見て感じる事が大切だと私は思います。日本ではどこの公立の学校でもそんなに変わりはないけど、ニューヨーク内の学校は一口に公立って言ってもそれぞれに学校の個性があるし、先生たちの教え方や、考え方も様々。ニューヨークの良い公立の学校は本当に良いし、面白い教育方針のところも多いです。今、まさにスクールツアーの季節です。ほとんどの学校でスクールツアーが開催されていますので、気になる学校がある方は是非スクールツアーに参加してみてくださいね。


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Rock Mama